Journal of Daylighting is a peer-reviewed international journal devoted to investigations of daylighting in buildings. It is the leading journal that publishes original research on all aspects of Energy, buildings, and lighting. Areas of special interest for this journal include, but are not limited to, the following:
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Addressing the challenges of global warming and rising energy demands, this study explores fixed shading systems as passive and sustainable solutions to improve energy efficiency, thermal comfort, and daylight performance in office buildings.
Journal of Daylighting 12 (2025) 91-110
The design and evaluation of adaptive facades (AFs) have become increasingly complex due to advancements in morphology, control strategies, and adaptability techniques.
Journal of Daylighting 12 (2025) 69-90
Knowing the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) allows for evaluating the profitability of different energy generation technologies, identifying the options with the lowest costs, and, in turn, promoting the transition to more sustainable energy sources for governments and private companies.
Journal of Daylighting 12 (2025) 51-68
Visual comfort in deep rooms with side lit openings varies by positions and time; thus, interventions are required to provide comfort for all users in a room.
Journal of Daylighting (2025) 40-50
Daylighting is related to the user's psychological and physiological effects in educational space. The amount of daylighting significantly influences visual comfort, work tasks, academic performance and productivity.
Journal of Daylighting 12 (2025) 21-39
Building design is a product of multiple factors, such as concept and aesthetics, building materials and technologies, environmental conditions, and daylight requirements of the inner spaces.
Journal of Daylighting 12 (2025) 1-20
This paper proposes a novel new light shelf design with Altmann linkage using its kinetic principles: geometry and rotational angles. As previous studies explain a light shelf’s design in two ways: static and movable, the proposed one in this study has the potential to track the path of the sun due to its diagonal movement. .
Journal of Daylighting 11 (2024) 391-407
The significant energy consumption in educational spaces worldwide and its environmental impact greatly influence the quality of space, learning levels, and student comfort.
Journal of Daylighting 11 (2024) 372-389
This research aims to support the choice of an appropriate dynamic louver shading system (DL-SS) within double-skin facade insulated glazed units (DSF-IGUs) as a high-performance integrated window system (DSF-IGUs/DL-SS) that meets both thermal and energy performance via daylight availability under a tropical climate.
Journal of Daylighting 11 (2024) 349-371
Energy Optimization in building design field now has been revolutionized due to AI and machine learning applications. Leveraging daylight to reduce artificial lighting consumption holds promise for significant energy savings, yet the nonlinear nature of daylight patterns poses challenges in prediction and optimization.
Journal of Daylighting 11 (2024) 334-348
Parametric design is one of the thriving contemporary architectural treatments that not only has an influence on the design of building envelopes but is capable of affecting the users physically and psychologically.
Journal of Daylighting 11 (2024) 312-333
Buildings are one of the leading sources of carbon emissions in the world. Most of the carbon emissions are released during the operation phase of the building.
Journal of Daylighting 11 (2024) 290-311
The paper describes an array of optical cones as a potential configuration for tracker-less daylighting, without using an electro-mechanical tracker. Subsequently, a single optical cone is analyzed, mainly in terms of sunlight collection efficiency and acceptance angle, as a function of the cone's geometrical dimensions.
Journal of Daylighting 11 (2024) 279-289
Climate change is an environmental issue that is rapidly escalating due to the effects of global warming. The increase in carbon emissions, along with various human activities such as industrial processes, land use changes, and the reckless consumption of natural resources, are among the primary causes of global warming.
Journal of Daylighting 11 (2024) 268-278
Passive lighting design plays an important role in providing natural lighting to save electricity consumption in buildings. This study aims to investigate the performance of natural lighting and the potential of alternative designs through sidelights with 3 shading device models and light shelves with different sizes in north, west, east, and south orientations.
Journal of Daylighting 11 (2024) 247-267
Daylighting plays a crucial role in building science, impacting both occupants’ well-being and energy consumption in buildings. Balancing the size of openings with energy efficiency has long been a challenge. .
Journal of Daylighting 10 (2023) 204-2013
The objective of this paper is to outline fundamental principles for the electric lighting design of workplace environments such as offices. The study considers both the suggested guidelines and values for non-visual light design and the specifications for visual tasks dictated by the EN 12464-1:2021.
Journal of Daylighting 10 (2023) 192-203
Parametric design influences on building envelope design are exponentially increasing in the current era due to the dominance of computational design on architectural outcomes.
Journal of Daylighting 10 (2023) 173-191
This paper studies the daylighting quality of the indoor prayer-hall in The Great Upper Mosque of Hama city in Syria, highlighting this distinctive historical converted building that has been functioning as a mosque since the entry of Islam in the 6th century AD.
Journal of Daylighting 10 (2023) 153-172
Daylighting and solar availability at urban scale has come to play a crucial role in the perception of discomfort conditions for people, both in outdoor and indoor spaces, and on the energy consumption of buildings.
Journal of Daylighting 10 (2023) 136-152
Daylighting simulation software is an important tool to improve the quality of building design and to improve the quality of the built environment. For its application to correspond to reality, its algorithm needs to reflect real behaviour in the best possible way.
Journal of Daylighting 10 (2023) 87-98
Excessive heat in the high-rise urban fabric has contributed to pedestrian and occupants' discomfort. Establishing wind circulation in space with an environmentally compatible and optimal configuration is necessary to improve comfort in this region.
Journal of Daylighting 10 (2023) 99-116
The daylight in classrooms is a crucial aspect that affects the quality of the learning environment and the overall performance of the students. Visual arts, such as painting, sculpture, carving, textile design and photography, require specific lighting conditions, which are different from the regular classroom standards.
Journal of Daylighting 10 (2023) 117-135
In terms of sustainable design, lateral windows and skylights are important. Daylighting has become a vital component in office buildings because it increases occupants' productivity, well-being, and energy savings via windows and skylights.
Journal of Daylighting 10 (2023) 72-86
Lighting control integrated with daylighting is recognized as an important and useful strategy in energy efficient building design. One of the right factors to reduce energy consumption for artificial lighting during the day is the maximum utilization of sunlight.
Journal of Daylighting 10 (2023) 60-71
Daylight improves indoor environmental quality, the physical and mental health of occupants, and their efficiency. Research in the area of human-centric lighting that considers the visual and non-visual effects of light on human vision, have focused on examining human visual perception in response to a wide variety of lighting aspects.
Journal of Daylighting 10 (2023) 45-59
Window design affects the building's appearance. Besides, it has a significant impact on daylight performance and the visual comfort of interior spaces.
Journal of Daylighting 10 (2023) 31-44
As advanced technologies become prevalent, they are being used more widely in numerous fields. The building sector is not an exception. One of these cutting-edge technologies is responsive facades, which are used in buildings and have an undeniable effect on daylighting.
Journal of Daylighting 10 (2023) 17-30
Biomimicry inspired architects to solve complex design problems and develop adaptive solutions for enhancing the environmental quality. Fields of inspiration include energy efficiency, natural ventilation, daylighting, and structural stability.
Journal of Daylighting 10 (2023) 1-16
Applications should be sent electronically at
Dr Arsenio Barbón
University of Oviedo, Spain
Dr Boon Han Lim
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia
Dr Fabio Peron
IUAV University of Venice, Italy
Dr Umberto Berardi
Ryerson University, canada
Dr Susana Lagüela López
University of Vigo, Spain
Dr Canan Kandilli
Usak University, Turkey
Prof. Nabil Elminshawy
Port Said University, Egypt
Prof. Önder Güler
Istanbul Technical University, Türkiye
Prof. Lambros T. Doulos
Hellenic Open University, Greece
Prof. Barbara Szybinska Matusiak
NTNU, Norway
Dr Guiqiang Li
University of Science and Technology of China, China
Prof Hongfei Zheng
Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Dr Paola Sansoni
CNR-INO, Italy
Dr Ferdinando Salata
University of Rome, Italy
Prof. Antonio Manuel Peña García
University of Granada, Spain
Dr. Michele Rocca
University of Pisa, Italia
Dr Hui Lv
Hubei University of Technology, China
Dr jian yao
Ningbo University, China
Kadir Has University, Turkey
Dr Mohammed Salah Mayhoub
Al-Azhar University, Egypt
Dr Marina Bonomolo
University of Palermo, Italia
Omid Nematollahi
Isfahan University of Technology, South Korea
Dr. Francesca Fragliasso
University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Wei Wang
Southeast University, 中国
Dr Vincenzo Costanzo
University of Catania, Italy
Dr Hui Shen
Texas A&M University-Kingsville, USA
Dr Doris Abigail Chi Pool
Universidad de las Américas Puebla, Mexico
Dr Francesco Sommese
University of Naples Federico II, italy
Dr Lim Yaik Wah
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
Alp Tural
Virginia Tech, USA
Two-sided micro-structures on windowpanes have been developed for redirecting sunlight into the depth of rooms in order to improve daylighting. In a joint research project comprehensive sunlighting-systems for windows are developed, integrating micro-structures in triple-glass units.
Journal of Daylighting 6 (2019) 52-59
Dynamic daylight simulations are very useful instruments in daylighting design process. They allow an in depth analysis of indoor daylight availability levels and define if they are adequate to perform a particular visual task.
Journal of Daylighting 2 (2015) 12-20
Daylight plays a significant role in achieving energy saving and comfort in buildings. It is in accordance with the human circadian rhythms and allows the best visual conditions in work environments and residential buildings.
Journal of Daylighting 7 (2020) 37-56
A considerable effort is devoted to devising retrofit solutions for reducing space-heating energy in the domestic sector. Existing UK solid-wall dwellings, which have both heritage values and historic fabric, are being improved but yet they tend to have meagre thermal performance, partly, due to the heat-loss through glazings.
Journal of Daylighting 4 (2017) 15-25
The Swedish animal production sector has potential for saving electric lighting of €4-9 million per year using efficient daylight utilisation. To demonstrate this, two light pipe systems, Velux® (house 1) and Solatube® (house 2), are installed in two identical pig houses to determine if the required light intensity, daylight autonomy (DA), and reduced electricity use for illumination can be achieved. In.
Journal of Daylighting 2 (2015) 21-31
Tropical countries such as Malaysia receives a significant amount of daylight. The utilisation of this renewable resource in a high-rise office building leads to opportunities and challenges.
Journal of Daylighting 9 (2022) 83-96
Exposing oneself to outdoor daylight in the morning can be healthy and harmful at the same time, due to the risk of ultraviolet exposure. The presence of surrounding buildings in the urban context may also influence the risk.
Journal of Daylighting 7 (2020) 167-185
Enormous studies have been conducted to enhance the daylighting utilization in buildings either by direct lighting techniques, lighting reflection systems, lighting transporting systems, or by light tracking systems.
Journal of Daylighting 7 (2020) 258-272
A multi-surface solar concentrator is proposed in this study. The concentrator is designed by improving the light receiving rate of a parabola when the incident angle changes within 0°~20° by adding involute, shifting the involute up, and changing the shape of the parabolic top. .
Journal of Daylighting 6 (2019) 176-186
Building owners are transitioning towards a smart lighting solution for illumination purposes. LED (Light Emitting Diode) lighting application has become a norm given its high efficacy and energy efficiencies.
Journal of Daylighting 8 (2021) 239-254
Studies among people with dementia demonstrated that the sleep quality and rhythm improves significantly when people are exposed to ambient bright light.
Journal of Daylighting 5 (2018) 14-20
Many recent studies in the field of the kinetic façade developed the grid-based modular forms through primary kinetic movements which are restricted in the simple shapes..
Journal of Daylighting 8 (2021) 65-85
Construction of multifunctional building envelopes using vertical greenery walls (VGW) has emerged as a sustainable green technology to improving cooling efficiency.
Journal of Daylighting 8 (2021) 294-312
Daylight harvesting is a well-known strategy to address building energy efficiency. However, few simplified tools can evaluate its dual impact on lighting and air conditioning energy consumption.
Journal of Daylighting 8 (2021) 255-269
Refurbished heritage buildings usually lack in meeting the required standards defined for the new function especially when reused as educational buildings.
Journal of Daylighting 8 (2021) 120-133
Daylighting is a strategic topic to achieve sustainable buildings, so it is more and more imperative that it is implemented in architecture curricula to prepare a new generation of daylighting-oriented practitioners.
Journal of Daylighting 8 (2021) 36-49
Several studies have focused on the performance of roller shades in terms of glare, outdoor vision, daylight availability and energy performance. Currently, other parameters linked to visual amenity, such as chromaticity and colour rendition, are becoming relevant.
Journal of Daylighting 9 (2022) 1-12
Different designs have been presented to achieve high concentration and uniformity for the concentrated photovoltaic (CPV) system. Most of the designs have issues of low efficiency in terms of irradiance uniformity.
Journal of Daylighting 1 (2014) 2-7
This paper introduces a fuzzy logic-based circadian lighting control system using flexibility of Light-Emitting Diode (LED) lighting technology to synchronise artificial lighting with circadian (natural) lighting Correlated Colour Temperature (CCT) characteristics.
Journal of Daylighting 9 (2022) 64-82
There are several alternatives to passive strategies in the early stages of the design process including orientation, window to wall ratio, shading device, material and colour that affect occupants’ visual comfort. .
Journal of Daylighting 5 (2018) 21-33
Solar concentrator always plays an important role in solar energy collection as it could enhance the energy density effectively. Various structures of solar concentrators have been researched in recent years, among which multi-surface (MS) and multi-element (ME) combinations are the two typical structures.
Journal of Daylighting 6 (2019) 80-96
The generation of 3D models of buildings has been proved as a useful procedure for multiple applications related to energy, from energy rehabilitation management to design of heating systems, analysis of solar contribution to both heating and lighting of buildings.
Journal of Daylighting 1 (2014) 8-15
Daylight represents one of the crucial factors that affect directly on the building performance and its occupants. This study assesses the daylight performance in the multi-storey residential buildings (apartments) in Erbil city.
Journal of Daylighting 6 (2019) 187-201
The quality of visual comfort has always been an essential element considering human comfort. Providing visual comfort in a living environment reduces the need for artificial lighting, which subsequently has a direct relationship with energy consumptions and its expenses.
Journal of Daylighting 7 (2020) 57-72
Optimization becomes more valuable when the optimal variables decision can consider sensitivity analysis. To get optimum results quickly, this study established a synthetic sensitivity analysis and multi-objective optimization approach, which is combined with an energy simulation framework characterized by parallel processing.
Journal of Daylighting 9 (2022) 48-63